Benton Jew

Benton Jew, a professional illustrator / storyboard artist / comic artist for the last 34 years, lives in Los Angeles, CA. He graduated from The Academy of Art / USF in San Francisco; and in 1988, started working at Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) where he became a Visual Effects Art Director. Benton stayed at ILM for 13 years, providing art and design for commercials, attractions and feature films including: "Ghostbusters 2," "The Mask," "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace," "Men In Black 1 & 2." After joining the ADG, Benton worked on such high-profile films as: "Terminator 3," "The Incredible Hulk," "Logan" and "Wonder Woman." In his spare time, he has created his own self-published comics, he has worked on comics for independent publishers, and he has worked for Marvel Comics.

Participant Schedule

Friday 10/27 5:00PM - 6:00PM

Storyboarding: Animation vs. Art Directors Guild

Ballroom F | Heiko von Drengenberg, Art Directors Guild, Tim Burgard, Benton Jew, Eric Ramsey

Ever wondered about the distinctions and common grounds between storyboard artists in the Animation Guild Local 839 and the Art Directors Guild Local 800? In this enlightening panel, seasoned storyboarders from both guilds will demystify the differences, share their diverse experiences, and explore the unique challenges and rewards of their respective fields. Gain valuable insights into the varied roles and responsibilities of storyboard artists across the animation and art direction spectrum, and join the conversation on the collaborative essence of crafting compelling visual narratives. This is a must-attend for anyone keen to deepen their understanding of the dynamic world of storyboarding!